Saturday, January 10, 2009

The newest skatepark in town

The kids decided that it is really cool to be the
only kids to have a skate park in the back yard.
I guess if we change our mind about the new
addition, we can put up some ramps. The kids
would love that!!!

This will be at the edge of our patio forever!

The kids are riding their ripsticks. If you don't
know what they are....
skateboard + 2 wheels= death ride : )

Ripstick football

It has become second nature to them. I would
be on the ground.

Savannah cut her hair even shorter....too cute.

Balance and hip movement are
the keys to ripsticking.

Skate-by pick-up

Savannah and Chandler got these new
gadgets from their grandparents. I don't
remember what they are called.

Please notice the shorts in Jan.
Love the Texas Panhandle!!!
(No bragging Amy!!!!)


Enjoying the journey... said...

looks like fun!

Dawn Lowe said...

They aren't going to want you to finish the addition!

About Me

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I am a blessed woman. I have a wonderful husband and three great kids. I am privileged to be able to stay home and teach my boys here. My daughter goes to a Christian Academy. I love my life and my family makes me proud and fills my life with laughter on a daily basis. I have been reading blogs for a while now and I hope to share the fun and trials that we go through with all of you as you have shared with me.
