Two years ago, we were able to buy our home and have really loved the neighborhood and calling this ours. Our kids have always shared rooms. Daniel and Chandler for a while, Savannah and Chandler for a while and now Daniel and Chandler again. I know that many of you shared rooms with your siblings and would talk about the lessons in sharing and the closeness that comes from it. I, on the other hand, can share the stories of one neat freak complaining about the slob that they have to share a room with, the fighting over who gets to practice their instrument or who gets the
Playstation or the T.V. remote, the complaining about privacy and no space of their own. At this point, I think that the sharing of the rooms is pulling my boys apart.
I have always felt that it is important for the kids to have their own private space. I know that I need to get away sometimes and just have time to think or read or stare at the wall without someone coming in and interrupting. My kids still don't understand this yet, but that is a story for another time.
We have been very blessed this last year and are able to build on to our house. We are having a game room, master bedroom and bath added. Things finally got started a week ago and I thought I would share pictures along the way.

This is the back of the house before we started.

Tearing down the back porch. Sorry Dad!

Spider kids!!!!

Breaking up the cement.
Cleared out.
Breaking ground on the addition!!! Yea!