Friday, August 21, 2009

Our Addition!!!

It has been a long time since I have updated about our house addition. We are getting close to being finished and it is so exciting. Here are some pictures. Some are reminders of where we started and some are before and afters. There are a few of just new stuff! Enjoy them!

Here is how the back of the house looked as we were starting. Dwight and Daniel tore down the little porch cover that my dad had built.

Our first wall! We were so excited to get that one up.

The old entryway out front. And the new bricked one.

Our specialty bricks. Joshua 24:15 says " Choose
this day whom you will serve....As for me and
my house we will serve the Lord."

The north side of the house then and now.

The new back door and the north wall.

Our great new patio!!!

Back door equipped with doggie door.

Out the Living room to the outside...and now a game room.

Game room.

French doors into the new master bedroom.

Our bedroom.

Love this fan!!!

The walk-in closet with the door inside.

Looking into the bathroom from the

The bathroom.

Mirrors and cabinets.

Trying out the new whirlpool tub.

Shower..not done yet!!
So, as you can see. We are almost done! Can't wait to move in and post more pictures later.

About Me

My photo
I am a blessed woman. I have a wonderful husband and three great kids. I am privileged to be able to stay home and teach my boys here. My daughter goes to a Christian Academy. I love my life and my family makes me proud and fills my life with laughter on a daily basis. I have been reading blogs for a while now and I hope to share the fun and trials that we go through with all of you as you have shared with me.
